July 14, 2016

Past Projects

Projects and Services that we have previously run or been involved with in the Berwick Area are:

  • Developed and ran the Reach Project – Enabling 80 people to find work including the start up of 12 businesses.
  • Developed Low Carbon Berwick – Installed PV panels to six local schools and a sports centre as well as provided energy efficiency advice to local residents.
  • Hosted the Every Drop Counts project – Working with residents in the Berwick Area to make savings on water bills and other water saving help.
  • Developed VisitBerwick Website and supported a number of tourism projects.
  • Developed and supported, over seven years, a range of local Festivals – Film, Jazz and Border Green.
  • Created the Elder Gems group – enabling older residents to meet.
  • Facilitated the opening of the Serendipity local artisans store in Berwick Town Centre.
  • Warmer Wealthier Berwick – Energy and Fuel Poverty advice and support to residents.
  • Community Development – Working with Four Housing to work with residents to enhance communities.
  • Supporting Families – Supporting families with complex family issues.
  • Community Grant Fund – Supporting local community groups to start up projects aimed at Health, Well Being and Inclusion.
  • Coastal Communities Team – Developing and Progessing Berwick’s Economic Plan.

Elder Gems Activity
Elder Gems
Elder Gems Activity
Elder Gems
Elder Gems Activity
Elder Gems
Elder Gems Activity
Elder Gems
Elder Gems Activity
Elder Gems
Elder Gems Activity
Elder Gems
Elder Gems Activity
Elder Gems
Elder Gems Activity
Elder Gems
Jazz Festival 2005
Jazz Festival 2005
Jazz Festival 2005
Jazz Festival 2005
Jazz Festival 2005
Jazz Festival 2005
Jazz Festival 2005
Jazz Festival 2005
Jazz Festival 2005
Jazz Festival 2005
Jazz Festival 2005
Jazz Festival 2005
Jazz Festival 2005
Jazz Festival 2005
Jazz Festival 2005
Jazz Festival 2005
Jazz Festival 2005
Jazz Festival 2005